

A Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) degree can open up a world of opportunities in the nursing profession.

As a working RN, you already know that nursing is one of the most critical and in demand careers. By investing in your BSN degree, you’ll have a significant advantage in the job market. 有了技能, 雇主所期望的知识和经验, you’ll be well-positioned to take advantage of the many nursing job opportunities available to you.


  • 农村和城市医院
  • 诊所
  • 长期护理设施
  • 社区卫生中心

Registered nurses with a BSN degree have clear paths toward advancing their careers as:

  • 负责护士
  • 旅行护士
  • 护理主任
  • 首席护士长
  • 情况下经理
  • 临床研究协调员
  • 保险专家
  • 医学作家
  • specialized nursing roles in critical care, oncology, pediatrics and emergency medicine



贝米吉州立大学 完全认可 nursing 程序 has a 30-year history of educating thousands of nurses in Minnesota, 威斯康辛州和北达科他州.

我们负担得起的在线护理学位课程专为您设计, 工作RN, so you can take your nursing career to the next level without sacrificing your work schedule or breaking the bank. 与 100%在线课程; 你将按照自己的节奏和时间表学习, 一次上一到两节课或作为全日制学生注册.

以学生为中心, 我们的课程提供广泛的实践经验, 深入的技术教育和护理理论课程, 研究与领导, as well as hands-on community practicums to prepare you for diverse career opportunities.

无论你是ASN的应届毕业生还是经验丰富的护士, earning a BSN degree with us will equip you to make a positive impact in the lives of your patients.


Invest in your nursing career and fast track your earning potential with our BSN 程序.

  • Over 40% of hospitals and 诊所 now require new hires to have a bachelor’s degree in nursing
  • 77%的雇主强烈偏爱BSN项目的毕业生
  • 拥有BSN学位的护士有可能获得更高的薪水

The evidence is clear — earning your BSN has never been more essential to your career success.

如果你想在业内最好的医院工作, 磁铁医院认识到BSN学位的价值. 护理 managers at these top-tier hospitals prefer to hire staff with a bachelor’s in nursing.


Our accelerated nursing 程序 provides the flexibility you need to reach your goals in 少到一年无论你是在秋季、春季还是夏季学期开始.

与 two options available, you can choose the track that best fits your lifestyle.

  • 兼职:在5个学期内完成注册护士到BSN的兼职课程
  • 全职选择全日制课程,只需要3个学期就能完成

重要的是要注意,大多数课程每年只提供一次, so selecting your preferred track early and following its schedule will help you stay on track for graduation. 如果你有任何非护理方面的需求, 我们的顾问在这里指导你,确保你充分利用你的时间.

从你开始的时间算起,你有最多六年的时间来完成这个项目, making it easier to balance work and life responsibilities while still advancing your career.


Our small class sizes ensure that you’ll receive personalized mentorship to help you develop critical skills in rural health, 家庭保健和姑息治疗.

通过加入我们的项目, 你将有能力满足你所在社区病人的不同需求. Our experienced faculty will be there to guide you every step of the way and provide you with the knowledge and expertise you need to thrive as a nurse.

但这还不是全部. At BSU, we offer a variety of specialty certifications to help you stand out in the job market. 考虑获得公共卫生护士(PHN)证书或证书 ELNEC证书 进一步提升你的护理事业.


我们知道,经济状况可能是追求高等教育的主要障碍, 所以我们的联合学费会改变游戏规则.

  • 全职 students pay under $11,000 whether they sign up for 12 credits or up to 18使我们的课程成为最实惠的在线护理学位之一. 这意味着你可以在节省时间和金钱的同时快速获得护理学位.
  • 更重要的是——与 奖学金超过2万美元 每年颁发一次,我们的项目变得更容易获得.

Our 程序 is designed to give you the flexibility and affordability you need to achieve your career goals, 同时由经验丰富的教师提供优质教育.

不要让经济状况或繁忙的工作日程阻碍你 免费申请 now and take the first step towards advancing your nursing career with our accredited RN到BSN online 程序.



如果你对贝米吉州立大学的RN-BS项目感兴趣, 你需要满足一些入学要求. 以下是你需要的:

  • BSU的应用程序你必须完全被北京州立大学录取.
  • RN-BS应用程序你需要提交一份护理系的申请.
  • 平均绩点你的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.在ADN或文凭课程中获得5分或更高的成绩.
  • 网上银行登录你必须有适合在线课程交付的互联网接入, 实践经验和同行协作.


  • 居住国家你必须住在明尼苏达州、北达科他州或威斯康星州. 如果你在项目期间改变了居住地, 除非你搬到北达科他州,否则你可能无法继续下去, 威斯康辛或明尼苏达. 在这种情况下,你必须通知护理部.
  • 以前的教育: You must have earned an associate degree or diploma degree as a registered nurse or be a licensed RN by the end of the first semester in the BSU RN-BS 程序.
  • 无妨碍注册护士执照: You must licensed to practice as a registered nurse or be a graduate with a state license pending in Minnesota, 威斯康辛州或北达科他州. 完全进入该计划需要无阻碍的许可证. 如果你在课程的前16周结束时没有注册护士执照, 你将无法继续学习RN-BS护理课程. 如果你的注册护士执照有问题,你就没有资格参加这个项目.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑, 请不要犹豫,联系护理系. 我们会在这里帮助你的每一步!


  1. 申请北京国立大学
  2. 完成 注册护士转bs护理专业申请
  3. 申请 金融援助 (如果需要)
  4. 联系护理学生服务协调员注册课程

RN-BS秋季开始(兼职) & 全职)

RN-BS春季开始(兼职) & 全职)


有关本课程的更多信息, 访问课程目录.


Get in touch with the 护理学生服务协调员 if you have any questions about the RN到BS-护理, 递交申请, 注册课程以及其间的所有事情!



电子邮件: 迈克尔.simpson@linggu8.com


贝米吉州立大学的RN到B.S. 课程100%在线,不需要参观校园.

然而,学生需要完成一个社区卫生实习. 有些课程可能还包括需要出差的作业.e. 实地视察、病人评估等).

我们提供两种选择. 学生可以完成RN到B.S. 程序 兼职(5个学期以上) or 全日制(3个学期以上).

大多数课程一年只开一次, so choosing a track early and following its schedule will help you stay on track for graduation. If you have other non-nursing requirements, you will want to discuss them with your advisor.


No, 但是如果一个学生决定离开学校一个学期或更长时间, 建议他们就自己的计划与顾问保持联系.

使用 学费计算器 获取最新的成本估算. 贝米吉州立大学提供免费学费, which means that full-time students pay the same tuition cost when they take between 12-18 credits.

(Note: The 学费计算器 does not include the cost of books or an additional tuition charge of $35 per credit for any nursing (NRSG) course.)

是的, the Department of 护理 at BSU awards over $20,000 to nursing students each year. The scholarship application is online and managed through the University 基金会. 申请通常在11月开始,2月结束. 奖学金为下一学年颁发, 所以如果一个学生计划在春季或夏季毕业, 他们没有资格.

是的! ——即使你不期望获得经济援助. 你永远不知道你会有什么资格.

Having a FAFSA on file helps the scholarship committee make better decisions around awarding scholarships to students, 尤其是那些有经济需要的人.

是的,你可以申请并被临时录取. Once you were able to provide proof of your unencumbered RN license then you would be officially accepted. The most common example is a student who finishes their ADN in the spring with an intention to start our 程序 in the fall.

不需要,但是你需要在毕业前完成这些要求. 大多数学生将把这些课程整合到他们现有的护理课程中, 但有时, students will finish their nursing major and then take a semester or two to finish those requirements.

非护理通识教育学分可以在明尼苏达州的任何机构获得. But upper-level (3000/4000) courses can only be offered through a university and will need to be completed at BSU.

不,我们不要求学生完成统计学课程. 然而, 许多护理研究生课程都将此作为先决条件, 所以和你的导师讨论一下未来的教育计划.

虽然这个项目的大部分工作是在线和异步的, there is a community health practicum requirement as well as occasional assignments that would require site visits or possibly a field trip. 考虑到这些任务, 院系需要确保学生有资格从事护理工作.